Mobility Bring Your Own Device

Bring your own device (BYOD) is a business policy of employees bringing personally owned mobile devices to their place of work and using those devices to access privileged company resources such as email, file servers and databases while still accessing their personal applications and data.

BYOD is making significant inroads in the business world, with about 90% of employees already using their own technology (in at least a limited capacity) at work. In most cases, businesses simply can't block the trend. Some believe that BYOD may help employees be more productive. Others say it increases employee morale and convenience by using their own devices and makes the company look like a flexible and attractive employer. Left un-managed, this practice has resulted in data breaches.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is why your company needs MDM to provide MCMS and why you should be engaging the services of HCS Technology Group to ensure Enterprise strength security in your work environment. Members of HCS Technology Group helped write the training for mobility and security, has members training IT professionals on the implementation of mobility and security systems throughout the country, and works on a daily basis with Enterprise level clients on the implementation and management of MDM, MAM, MCMS, VPP, B2B, and BYOD.


Business: A business that adopts a BYOD policy allows itself to save money on high-priced devices that it would normally be required to purchase for their employees. Employees may take better care of devices that they view as their own property. Companies can take advantage of newer technology faster.

Employees: Are able to decide on the technology that they wish to use for work rather than being assigned a company device. Exclusive control of features is given to the employee. This is not only about devices but also about applications (BYOA - Bring Your Own App).


Business: Company information will often not be as secure as it would be on a device exclusively controlled by the company. (Security wonks have termed it 'Bring Your Own Danger' and 'Bring Your Own Disaster'.) The company may have to pay for employee devices' phone service, which they use outside company time. BYOD is an extreme case of the end node problem.

Employees: Due to security issues, the employees often do not have true full control over their devices, as the company they work for would need to ensure that proprietary and private information is secure at all times. It is an out-of-pocket expense for the employees. They would be responsible for repairs if their devices were damaged or broken at work.

Account-Driven User Enrollment

In iOS 15, iPadOS 15 and macOS 14 or later, organizations can use a streamlined User Enrollment process, built right into the Settings app to make it easier for users to enroll their personal devices. To do this, the user navigates to Settings > General > VPN & Device Management and then taps the Sign In to Work or School Account button. As they enter their Managed Apple ID, service discovery identifies the MDM solution’s enrollment URL.

The user enters their organization user name and password. After the organization’s authentication succeeds, the enrollment profile is sent to the device. Additionally, a session token is issued to the device to allow ongoing authorization. After a user is signed in, the new managed account is displayed prominently within the Settings app.

Users can access files in their personal iCloud Drive. The iCloud Drive for the organization appears separately in the Files app. In iOS and iPadOS, Managed Apps and managed web-based documents all have access to the organization’s iCloud Drive, but the MDM administrator can help keep specific personal and organizational documents separate by using specific restrictions.

Find Out More Contact HCS Technology Group to find out more.

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