jamf service provider

To help ensure customer success, all sales of Jamf Pro include new customer onboarding services. We understand organizations have different needs and experience. Therefore, we offer a variety of onboarding services with multiple delivery methods and levels of training. Jamf will work with you to determine which option is the most efficient and effective for you and your organization:

  • Our full-service, personalized onboarding offerings are delivered by a Jamf Pro expert at your location.
  • Jamf remote onboarding services provide personalized sessions by a Jamf Pro expert utilizing remote connection tools.
  • For qualified customers in the US and APAC, a self-directed, no-cost onboarding option is also available.

During the personalized Jamf onboarding sessions, a Jamf Pro expert works with you to configure and integrate Jamf Pro seamlessly into your existing environment. Through a hands-on approach, the trainer will familiarize you with Jamf Pro features and configurations, provide workflow recommendations, review support resources available, and introduce you to additional training and certification options. Jamf’s self-directed onboarding is provided through a series of pre-recorded training sessions, combined with interactive tutorials and support staff to assist if needed.

We recommend our onsite onboarding services. A Jamf Pro expert visits your location to provide face-to-face set up and training services to your Jamf Administrator(s) over the course of two days. This thorough and efficient training provides the most effective way to onboard Jamf Pro and includes installation services for our on-premises licensed customers.

For customers who qualify, we also offer remote macOS services or the self-directed onboarding. With our remote macOS sessions, a Jamf Pro expert provides up to four hours of basic setup and configuration training and up to four hours of training focused on your specific needs. Jamf’s self-directed onboarding may be an appropriate solution for our macOS customers whose less complex needs can be met with online video training.

We recommend our four-hour remote onboarding service. For customers who qualify, the self-directed onboarding may be utilized.

Do you have more complex needs or a large number of iOS devices to enroll? If so, we also offer a two-day onsite iOS onboarding service.

We recommend our three-day onsite onboarding service. However, depending on needs you may qualify to receive one or both of these services remotely or through our self-directed onboarding.

Onsite Onboarding

  • Personalized training by a Jamf Pro expert at your location
  • Configuration and setup of Jamf Pro
  • Hands-on training of features and functionality
  • Workflow fundamentals
  • On-premises installation services
  • Engagement days:
    • macOS – two days
    • macOS plus iOS/tvOS – three days

For complex environments or customers needing extra assistance, additional onsite days may be purchased.

Remote Onboarding

  • Personalized training by Jamf Pro expert using remote connection tools
  • Configuration and setup of your Jamf Pro
  • Hands-on training of features and functionality specific to your needs
  • Workflow fundamentals
  • Length of training:
    • macOS: two sessions providing up to eight hours of total training
    • iOS/tvOS: one session providing up to four hours of training

Virtual Onboarding

  • Foundational overview of the four most common areas of Apple device management
  • Engineer-guided virtual classroom
  • Available for iOS
  • Practice Jamf Pro instance will be provided
  • Two sessions, up to four hours each

The sessions should be completed in the provided Jamf Pro instance or within your production instance only if you have permission from your main Jamf Pro administrator

Self-Directed Onboarding

  • Available for macOS and iOS
  • Designed for Jamf Cloud hosted customers
  • Not recommended for complex environments or large onboardings
  • Length of training: Delivered at customers pace

Provided at no additional cost to customers who qualify.

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