OS X System Preferences Yosemite

Yosemite Backgrounds

I have been to Yosemite and it's gordeous. When they annouced the name of the Operating System I was super excited because I had a sneaking suspition the relase would include new backgrounds. Thanks  to...

Monday, October 20, 2014
OS X Server Yosemite SMB

Connect to Server Defaults to SMB

In OS X Mavericks the Finder attempted to connect to shared volumes with SMB but the Connect to server defaulted to AFP. In OS X Yosemite both the Finder and connect to Server now use the SMB protocol...

Monday, October 20, 2014
OS X Yosemite Full Screen

Full Screen Apps in Yosemite

Selecting the green button in an OS X app window brings you into full screen mode now. To Change the window size (like you used to) press option when click the green button to resize your app window. ‪ Press...

Monday, October 20, 2014
OS X Yosemite

Squash those bugs

Apps crash and burn. While crashes are frustrating now you have an avenue to help be part of the fix.  Help developers squash those bugs. In /System Preferences/Security & Privacy we now have...

Monday, October 20, 2014

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