As a technician, you will most certainly find yourself working with multiple networks and configurations. If you use the line of Ubiquiti Unifi products, it includes the Unifi app which you can launch and use a web based controller. The problem is that after you run through the setup assistant once, you are not prompted again if you set up a new Unifi network in the future. So here is the workaround rather than doing an uninstall/re-install of the product:
Ensure the Unifi app is closed
Navigate to /Applications/Unifi on your macOS computer
Note: If you use Windows, navigate to %userprofile%/Ubiquiti Unifi. If you use Ubuntu, navigate to /usr/lib/unifi
Control click on the Unifi app and select Show Package Contents from the contextual menu
Navigate to Contents/Resources/data
Control click the file and select Open With>TextEdit (or select Other... and navigate to TextEdit)
Look for the line is_default=false (second to last line)
Change the value to true (ie. is_default=true)
Save and quit TextEdit
Open the Unifi app and launch the controller. You will be presented with the setup assistant once again.