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Problem-solving by Apple Certified Professionals

Using the sed command to find and replace and entire line of text in a document.

This command will replace the line that contains “This is a test” with “Is it Friday yet?” in the test.txt document.

sed -i "" '/This is a test/ c\

Is it Friday yet?\

' test.txt

Here is a breakdown of the above command.

The -i will edit the file in place.

The "" will get around not having an extension after the -i as required by os x.  

c\  is the change flag.  The above command is separated on multiple lines to make the c\ flag work properly.  If you try to enter the command on one line, it will fail because the c\ has issues with escaping the backslash.

You could also use sed -i.bak which would create a backup of the file before it’s edited instead of the "".

The remainder of the command:  replace the line that contains “This is a test” with “Is it Friday yet?” in the test.txt document.


Using the sed command to find and replace words in a file

This is a sed command to replace the word false with true in the updates.xml document.

sed -i "" 's/false/true/' /Users/work/Desktop/updates.xml 

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Create a payload free package using pkgbuild

Step 1.  Create a folder on the desktop called scripts.

Step 2.  Create a script named “postinstall” and put it in the scripts folder on the Desktop.  

NOTE:  do not add .sh to your script name or it will fail.  Best practice is to use a plain text editor when creating scripts.  IE.. TextWrangler or pico in the CLI.

Step 3.  Run the following command.  Enter your administrator password when prompted.

sudo pkgbuild --identifier --nopayload --scripts /Users/work/Desktop/scripts /Users/work/Desktop/MyPayFree.pkg

Step 4.  The package will be created and saved to your desktop.


How to disable VirtualBox auto updates from the command line

It requires a special VBoxManage command.  This is the support method.  Run the command below.


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How to resize a read only dmg file

There are times when you come across a dmg image that has a larger disk geometry size than needed.  This can cause issues if you try to restore a monolithic disk image to a volume smaller than your total dmg size.  This is a common issue if Disk Utility was used to capture an Image of a Macintosh HD. To fix this issue, follow the commands below.


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Apple Caching Server commands

Apple Caching Server commands

Here are some helpful commands as well as location for files to help manage the Appel Caching servers.

Caching server content types

Advanced configuration of the Caching service

Status of caching server
This will include information on all services related to the caching server
sudo serveradmin fullstatus caching

Caching server debugging
To run on debuging run:
sudo serveradmin settings caching: LogLevel = verbose

To return to default:
sudo serveradmin settings caching: LogLevel = error

Pre-loading IPSW files (3rd party)


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