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Problem-solving by Apple Certified Professionals

How to find the IP address of the DHCP Server that supplied your Client IP Address

Enter the following command in the Terminal.

ipconfig getoption en0 server_identifier

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Outlook 2016 Activation Prompt Loop

If Outlook 2016 keeps asking you to activate over and over, The following should fix the issue:

1. Go to KeyChain Access.

2. Search "Exchange" under Login --> All Items and delete everything.

3. Search "Office" and delete everything.

4. Search "ADAL" and delete everything.

5. Launch Outlook.

6. You will get the activation prompt and the if account is already added, you will see the password prompt for app and ADAL again. You should be able to activate now without it looping.


Find files larger than 1GB using command line

This command will find all files on your hard drive that are larger than 1GB and print them to the screen with the file path.


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Find all locked files and unlock them

Use this to find all locked files. This example searches the entire HD but you can navigate to a path if necessary.

find / -flags uchg

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How to add a Configuration Profile (.mobileconfig) to an Apple TV via a website (URL)

How to add a Configuration Profile (.mobileconfig) to an Apple TV via a website (URL)

1.) Add .mobileconfig file to a Website 

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New Setup Assistant Features

New Setup Assistant Features

With the release of new hardware features in the MacBook Pro (13-inch/15-inch, Late 2016, Four Thunderbolt 3 Ports) the setup assistant has added a few new steps. 

Apple annocued that the new Macbook Pros would have Touch ID and like iOS Devices the setup assistnat now includes adding a finger print when a computer is initially being configured. Similar to iOS you simply apply your finger to the Touch bar on the far right corner, where the power button was, and let macOS capture your finger print. Should you need to add or remove fingerprints simply naviagte to System Preferences and you will now see a new Touch ID preference pane. It is also caled out in the user guide that you can:  

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