Suitcase Fusion on Mac OS X fails to launch with the error “Could not open the Font Vault at the location: Users/username/Library/Extensis/Suitcase Fusion/Suitcase Fusion.fontvault”. This happens when Suitcase Fusion tries to launch after a power failure or when the computer stops responding. It can also occur after upgrading to a new version of Suitcase Fusion or if your font vault has become damaged.
1) Open /Applications/Utilities/Activity Monitor and type “FMCore” into the Filter search box. If the FMCore process is running, then select it and click the “Quit Process” button. When the confirmation dialog appears, click “Force Quit”. If FMCore is not running then simply proceed to the next step.
2) Navigate to: [Macintosh HD]/Users/[UserName]/Library/Preferences/ and remove the following files:
• com.extensis.SuitcaseFusion.db
• com.extensis.SuitcaseFusion2.plist (Suitcase Fusion 2)
• com.extensis.SuitcaseFusion3.plist (Suitcase Fusion 3)
• com.extensis.SuitcaseFusion4.plist (Suitcase Fusion 4)
• com.extensis.SuitcaseFusion5.plist (Suitcase Fusion 5)
• com.extensis.SuitcaseFusion6.plist (Suitcase Fusion 6)
NOTE: In OSX 10.7 thru 10.10: In the Finder, hold down the Option key and choose Go > Library to reveal this hidden directory.